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BSST National Office Opens in Turkey

Updated: Dec 18, 2019

The first National Office for the Black Sea Sustainable Rural Tourism Program has opened in the village of Pinarbaşi, Turkey at the edge of the Küre Mountains National Forest. The Küre Mountains Ecotourism Association, a partner of the BSST Program, will take the lead in developing the Program across Turkey beginning in Kastomonu Province and spreading initially to Samsun, Trabzon and Bartin.

The opening was attended by the Mayors of Pinarbaşi and Azdavay an adjoining village, and representatives from the Turkish regional economic development agencies, Ministry of Forest and Water, Ukrainian representatives from the Program and local businesses and NGOs.

The National Office was opened in conjunction with the first Steering Committee meeting of the EU-Turkish funded grant to expand the Program in Turkey.

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