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A Range of Possibilities

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Advisory Services


SRDI focuses on supporting communities, local government and the private sector in the design and implementation of projects to achieve sustainability goals.  Our phased approaches include training, education and management planning so that each completed step builds afoundation for success.


Our cost-effective services help to achieve practical results leading so that a unified process leads to community sustainable development.  Our work places an emphasis on relieving poverty and applying creative solutions to improve livelihoods and preserving ecological and cultural heritage.


Strategic Planning

SRDI Turkey Strategic Planning Focus Group

SRDI helps develop integrated strategic plans that build clarity and consensus for future success.  We tie together objectives with the actions and resources needed to reach the goals.  Our own BSST Program is based on a systematic process that identifies the reality of the situation on the ground and uses that information for successful plan implementation. At the same time, our approach is flexible because the social, political and economic environments can change quickly, requiring adaptation to maintain a successful project.

Capacity Building


The knowledge and experience levels in a community, local government or private business determines its ability to effectively design and implement a plan to achieve sustainability goals.


SRDI collaborates to identify gaps, weaknesses and unresponsive business processes, propose solutions and help develop a concrete, achievable action plan that sets forth the training, improved business processes and overall capacity to attain practical, concrete results.

Project Implementation


Aside from our own social enterprise work, coupled with targeted training to improve skills, SRDI effectively takes a completed design and puts into practice a wide array of sustainable programs whether it involves environmental, social or cultural initiatives.  We know the importance of involving local stakeholders so that any plan is locally owned.  Our work approach assures that any plan and activities have local buy-in, can be implemented with such changes as needed in business processes and we provide sound, internationally recognized monitoring and evaluation platforms to measure progress. 

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